Delivery of Hands-on Technical Courses through Synchronous and Asynchronous eLearning

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S. Hsiung, F. Jao


Technology has a profound impact in our daily activities, learning through the use of technology has no exception. Instructors often experience obstacles in designing their courses for distance learning. It is generally more challenging to deliver technical laboratory courses through web based learning. A research team encompasses faculty members from several universities and community colleges have developed instructional materials for delivering microcontroller embedded system designs. Technical training platform is designed and developed to support course modules which are delivered in both synchronous and asynchronous eLearning environment. The process of collaboration involves the use of several types of electronic media as a mean to facilitate conversations among members. Electronic learning tools such as video conferencing, web portal, web server, file sharing mechanisms etc. to support this distance learning project are discussed. In addition, the research findings of learner’s attitudes toward the technical subject taught and learned using distance learning tools is addressed.

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How to Cite
S. Hsiung, F. Jao. (2016). Delivery of Hands-on Technical Courses through Synchronous and Asynchronous eLearning. Journal of Online Engineering Education, 7(1). Retrieved from